Sunday, September 21, 2014

Discount for Books in Not-So-Good Condition

I didn't know that I can actually get a discounted price for books which are not in good condition until one time when I went to National Book Store (NBS) to look for Basic Algebra textbook as I was planning to pursue my studies and thinking I needed a refresher for the subject.

I went to the Math section of the bookshelves and after a considerable amount of time surveying the available books, I found an older-looking one which happened to be the last left in stock. The book is not torn or damaged in any way but I just can't categorized it as "good as new." This may be due to it had been there for a while and people come and go picking it up and putting it back on the shelf and was not really bought. As for me, I'm more after the content than the physical condition of the book and I decided the book will be of good use.

So after asking for a newer stock and being told that they didn't have any, the lady attendant told me that I can bargain with the cashier for a discount which I did. I was delighted to receive 10% off the regular price. It was not a big deal but I find it interesting as I didn't know that I can actually do that.

So I told myself that next time I buy and I find another book in the same condition, I will give it a shot bargaining with the cashier.

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